Thursday, March 20, 2008

Easter, War for Will, and the Miracle of Green

It's mid-march and Easter is just a few days away. That's so strange! Easter is supposed to be in April. Is there a reason they've changed the date? It makes more sense in April with all its springtime splendor. Not to mention historical accuracy. Perhaps it's just part of the continued plot to throw Christians off their own ship. I think more people think favorably of the Muslim religion than they do of the Christian religion lately. I wonder if the news media has anything to do with that? That's not really a question. Most disturbing are the reports that teachers in public schools, especially in history and science classes are teaching that religion (read Christian religion) has been the cause of most of the wars and massacres of history and mocks science and logical thought. Great things for our Christian children to be hearing from those who are supposed to be guiding them through academic curricula. Chalk one more up to homeschooling.

The truth is that Phillip Pullman is right (author of the Golden Compass trilogy). There is a war coming, whether we want it or not. And it is a war for free will. The awful thing is that we've already had this war... a long time ago. And free will won out. Why are evil people still trying to take that away from each other? True diversity means free will.

Well, those are just things I've been thinking about lately. I added some more plants to my windowbox herb garden: parsley, sage, basil, chives, catnip, lemon balm and cilantro. I know catnip isn't exactly a culinary herb, but that's okay. It helps with lowering fevers and lessening teething pain for children. I think that's pretty darn cool. I've been studying herbs off and on since college, but recently I've been reading Rosemary Gladstar, who is a famous herbalist. I just love her writing! She makes some great points about teaching our children about the usefulness of plants. It's so important for them to respect and seek out nature. After all, the drugs and chemicals modern medicine use are ALL derived from plants. Thinking about that makes it so much easier to give thanks in ALL things to God. All things really do come from God and without him is not anything made that is made. I love knowing that; it means He loves us that much, to give us all the things our bodies need. It's too perfect not to be God.

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