Saturday, November 15, 2008

Mid-November Mind Traveler Update

As of writing this, I am 108 pages and 30,200 words into Mind Traveler. I have been writing somewhat feverishly lately, admittedly frustrated by my inability to create more vivid scenes, especially since the other world I am writing about is meant to be ultimately vivid in every way. I'm sure that once the plot and character development is largely out of the way, I will have to go back obsessively to recreate those dream sequences that are so vital to the intensity of the theme of escapism vs. embracing reality.

Here's a clip from chapter 9, the latest chapter I have yet written:

“Don’t look so creeped out,” the young Professor smirked. “I don’t have a God complex. I’m just looking forward to the next phase in evolution when people won’t have the boundaries against one another that we have now. People will all know each other’s dreams, and eagerly help each other to reach them, because nothing will be barred from anybody, and there will be no need for competition. You and I will usher in heaven on earth.” His eyes were not maniacal now, but gentle and wise, and something else. He looked tortured.
My own eyes softened as I realized he had his own nightmares, regrets, his own hell to overcome in ushering in heaven.

The whole book is meant to be an argument of Eric Pierce with himself over which is preferrable in the long run: reality or fantasy? Or is there a way to combine them both into one blissful existence?

I originally had him visiting his future in his mind, but then decided to make his journey more symbolic than futuristic and he doesn't meet his future wife. All throughout, there is the promise of somebody who could possibly be his future wife if he could only overcome his insecurities and fears. And so, love is a theme, too.

Right now, I'm a little lost in the plot and just following the characters' lead. I have Eric doing things in waking life that he normally wouldn't do because of his homebody-ness. :-) He is testing his mental tenacity in more subtle ways than pricking himself and denying the pain. The strength it takes to stand up to his fans, critics, friends, and family is greater than the momentary strength it takes to defy gravity or convince himself that he is not in pain.

Real life is more terrifying to him than his nightmares.

And that is where I am right now in the story. When I'm low on inspiration like this, blog-writing seems to help. It also helps to keep writing until I feel inspired again. Kind of like what they say about praying. If you don't feel like praying, get on your knees and pray until you do. That's what it's like with my writing, as well. So, I go back to the blank page. Wish me luck.

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